To file a complaint, you must complete and submit the following complaint form, and attach any relevant information related to your allegations. 

You may also download the form and send it to us: 

Email: [email protected]


Commission de la fonction publique de Montréal
1550 Metcalfe Street, Suite 603
Montréal Québec H3A 1X6

Over the phone with an advisor: 438 825-0993

Personal information

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Information on the appointment, the staffing process and other elements to consider

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If there is not enough space, you can attach another sheet when sending the form. Make sure to properly document your file by also appending any document that you deem relevant to the analysis of your complaint.

The CFPM is an organization of last resort. We encourage complainants to take the necessary steps to understand and resolve the situation before making a complaint. Please attach any email correspondence with the respondent.

Maximum size: 1 MB, pdf file, doc, jpg or png

Optional: demographic data

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For statistical purposes only, the Commission confidentially compiles the demographic data of the people who use its services. You can complete the following fields on a voluntary basis:

Includes Native Americans, Inuit or Métis of Canada only
No one, other than a native of Canada, whose country of origin, or that of his parents, is not Canada. For example: person of descent or from Chile, Greece, Italy, Haiti, China, Vietnam, Morocco, etc.
No one, other than an aboriginal person of Canada, who is not of white race or color. For example: black, Asian, South American, Arab, etc.
No one, other than Aboriginals and visible minorities, whose mother tongue is neither English nor French.


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Under its Rules, the CFPM must share information relating to the complaint with the Human Resources Department only. Exception: If you report to the Human Resources Department, your identity will not be disclosed.

Thus, if your complaint is admissible and the CFPM investigates to verify the allegations, your identity will be revealed to the people in the Human Resources Department concerned by your file, unless you come under this department.

By way of consent, please read and check the following box:

Be aware, however, that if, as part of the investigation, we must communicate with other persons affected by your allegations, the confidentiality of the information brought to the attention of the Commission will be respected and this, in accordance with the application of the Act. on access to documents held by public bodies and on the protection of personal information.

If you have any questions regarding the disclosure of your identity, we invite you to contact us at 438 825-0993 or by email at [email protected].


Important note: Forms in which the complainant has omitted, voluntarily or not, to identify himself (name, first name, telephone) will not be processed.


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